Why capacitence not depend on charge and potential


This is the image of real capacitor. 

It has capacity to store charge which we called as Capacitance ( C) 

 We know that it's formula is C=Q/V

But it doesn't depend on charge and potential

How is that possible? 

If we have a Capacitor SO if we increase the value of charge it's potential also RISES 

( I mean that you have to do more work to store charge it's obvious as well and thats why we have potential in formula of Capacitance) 

And potential and charge both RISES so the whole ratio remains same. 

So Capacitance only change if whole ratio get affected for example if a capacitor has a large value of Q at small v so you can store a lot of charge it means Capacitance increase. 


So how much is capacitor able to store charge it depends upon Geometrical parameters.  

It is practically determined. 

Keep exploring. . .


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