Why alternating current is more dangerous than direct current

Which is more dangerous ac or dc??
If you have
220 volt ac supply
And 220 Volt dc supply
Which is more dangerous??
You will answer both are equally dangerous ..
But sorry ac is more dangerous
see the graph of ac
220 volt is rms value ,at peak value is more isn't it...
While in DC if I said 220 it means 220 .. It was the actual voltage of dc
Direct current has 0 frequency
And you know frequency is the main reason for ac to be more dangerous
You will get shocked many times because of ac because it's frequency is changing many times current becomes zero and many times current become highest
This will give you many shock
And make ac more dangerous
So don't try to touch the ac
If you touch you cant survive. . . .. Keep exploring.
Khatarnak ⚡☠️☠️☠️