Why potential difference is more important than potential


Hello friends,, 

Do you know why all teachers say potential difference is more important than potential.. 

But ❓why

See potential difference is actually energy⚡ difference between 2 points

And believe me this is very valuable in physics

You can think of electrons... 

If electrons are at higher energy  and you have lower energy portion as well thn electrons starts flowing and we get current.. 

You can understand this very easily

So energy difference leads to many phenomenas in physics like electric current... Etc 

If you have energy thn you can play football and waste energy... 

Similarly electrons have energy so they can flow towards their low energy point... 

So it's very Obvious thing to understand

SO if you have huge potential difference 

Suppose one point is at 2 volt And one is at 1000volt  

So vigorous amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and we get excellent current.... 

So if energy difference exist so energy flow is also exist and this is very basic and important phenomena in universe.... 


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